Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thanks Carrie

Carrie is my co-worker. She has sat next to me in the office for the past year (psst, she deserves hazard pay for having to put up with my antics). Lately she has shouldered a good bit of the responsibility of training Chris, one of the new teachers. She has a million things to do but somehow has found some time to coach Chris, thanks. I have been a bit swamped lately and am not that great at training the newbies. My style of teaching isn't exactly by the book, so it's probably good to limit the new teachers exposure to my classroom management Carrie is a great teacher, her kids rave about her all the time. She is far more professional than I am...far more appealing to the higher-ups in this kind of work environment. Her lesson plans are impeccable, mine are

Today, I overheard her say that she thinks I am a good off-the-cuff teacher...that's a great compliment. A good bit of my time in front of a class is extemporaneous. I usually have a loose outline of what I want to accomplish and almost always seem to reach my goal, in one form or another. I love to make worksheets and fun stuff for the kids in order to make learning more fun. As far as lesson plans are concerned, I suck. I think it comes from my short attention span and inability to follow As a result, I have learned to rely on my ability to improvise. I know it doesn't make the boss happy, but it's worked thus far.

Again, thank you Carrie. I have been having a rough week and your compliment gave my ego a nice boost.

Check out Carrie's website, it's good stuff:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are too kind. I've really enjoyed working with you this year.

One of the best aspects of our job is being able to learn from our fellow co-workers. Good teachers continue to learn and grow, just as much a their students. I particularly admire your patience and kindness. In addition to being a resourceful teacher, your students really really enjoy your classes. They learn a lot and they have fun too. This is what makes you such a successful teacher. I'll be sad to say good-bye this year and hope that we will remain friends.