Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Vacation Agenda

Since I had to postpone my trip to Bangkok, I have decided to use this week to get stuff done that I've been putting off.

First, I bought my camera. I will be posting pics taken with the new camera soon! Yesterday, I bought my plane ticket for Bangkok.

Also, I am going to get my hair cut, take care of the stuff I have to do to extend my residents visa for another year, and develop some long-term lesson plans for my classes. This is not everything I have planned, but it's the big stuff. Oh, and I am gonna clean my apartment.

My good friends from Ireland left Taiwan today. They are a really cool couple thats been staying in the hostel for the past 6 months or so. They are going back to Ireland after they travel through southern Europe, I'm jealous!

Another fun thing I've been working on these past few days is putting together a plan for my trip to Thailand. What an awesome place. There is a place called Chatuchak Market that has over 15000 vendors selling everything under the sun dirt cheap. This market is so big, they sell maps just to help you figure out where you are...shoppers heaven! Of course I am going to check out the numerous temples, or Wats as they are known in Thai. I guess the gold Buddhas are mind-boggling. The Temple of the Reclining Buddha or Wat Pho, has a statue of Buddha that is 150 feet long and 50 feet high, built in the 16th century, cool.

Tomorrow, I am going to get my hair cut. It's going to be an adventure...

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