Sunday, November 20, 2005

Always the Bridesmaid...

Well, life is funny, in a sick sorta way. Kelly invited me over to her place tonight. We originally planned to go out to eat and go to a night market but she is battling yet another cold. Anyhow, I went out today and bought her a really cool bamboo plant for her new place. Tonight was the night I had planned on having the "talk". The one about where the relationship was headed...

After I got there and gave her the cool plant, she showed me around the place. Nice apartment. Everything was going great until she showed me her room. When I walked in, the first thing I noticed was the picture of, what I assume was, her boyfriend in Canada, on her bookshelf. Oh, and the other one pasted on her wall next to her bed...ugh. Needless to say, I was a bit deflated.

After witnessing the pics, I decided that I would back off and not rock the boat. UGH, this sucks. Always the bridesmaid, never the

Life is funny, in a sick sorta way.

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