Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A Mystery Parade/Celebration

I was sitting at my desk when I heard the familiar clap of fireworks from the street below. I moseyed on over to the window and here is what I saw:

Check out the mess of traffic on the top. Taiwanese are not the greatest drivers on the planet. It's sort of a every-man-for-himself attitude on the road. Scary, at times.

I managed to capture one the bottle rockets in mid-air. The organizers did a fine job of decorating the buses.

I asked several people in the office and didn't get a definitive answer as to what the occasion was. I am guessing it was in honor of Labor Day, which was the following day.


John Naruwan said...

It seems every other day I come across some small temple bottle rocket party or street parade down here in Taichung. They're pretty cool, apart from the noise, smoke and disruption to traffic. I wish there was some way of finding out about when and where the bigger celebrations are taking place. Something the Taichung city government could add to its crappy website.

David said...

I agree. It would be nice to know that the a party is headed your way. It would make for much better photos!